common ground montgomery news and updates

reflections on four years at CGM

Staffers Deandré and Sheree Burns packing take-home food for students in the virtual school program.

Staffers Deandré and Sheree Burns packing take-home food for students in the virtual school program.

Deandré Burns has been the high school lead for the last four years. He is currently directing our virtual school program that has temporarily replaced our after school program while the city is dealing with the COVID-19. His wife, Sheree, is the CGM volunteer coordinator, and they have three kids.

Tuesday marked a work anniversary for Deandré and his family and he wanted to share some of his thoughts.

It has been four years since my wife and I arrived at CGM for our first day of work. Since then we have experienced so much serving the youth of Washington Park. We both have grown to love each and every child that enters these doors and daily we count it an honor and privilege to be in service to so many of them. Working for a while at any job can weigh on your initial passion. Sometimes it's becoming dissatisfied and disengaged as the gloss fades and reality sets in. Sometimes it's burnout from overwork. Since day one I bought in to CGM's mission and that hasn’t changed as I sit here four years later.

CGM really cares for the people in this community and I bear witness to it every day. I truly feel that this organization should be in every community across the country. What we provide for kids daily is a Christian family organization that does its very best to focus on overall holistic development for the whole family. I've worked mostly with high school students and have enjoyed watching them graduate. Some go on to college, some join the military, and some find work. Regardless, we see the positive impact of a place like CGM.

Many lessons have been learned, many trips taken, and tons of laughter. We have watched kids literally grow up right in front of our eyes and we appreciate being present to so many.

Now, not everything has been pie-in-the-sky good. We've seen students leave due to misguided expectations. Some could not grasp what they had here and decided they didn't need us. Some could not dream past their circumstances and decided to stay in their places of comfort. Sadly, some got caught in the quicksand of the streets and are on a slow descent to the depths of drugs, gangs, and lack of hope. There have been fights, shootings and even killings that have occurred near us. I have been in danger and even experienced bodily harm, but would I change a thing? No! Being so connected to the community I at times get overwhelmed with the desire to see change.

Sometimes part of me wants to quit because I care so much and I don’t want to attend another funeral. But then I realize that being absent would be selfish on my part. This has been an experience of a lifetime being able to serve with reckless abandon. To have freedom to be led by God and be fully supported by the organization that you work for is like a breath of fresh air for this youth pastor from California. What a ride it's been!

As I sit in the passenger seat of God's sovereignty, I am amazed by what I’ve witnessed on this journey. Exactly where He is taking me and my family I don’t know, but I fully trust my driver four years down this road; as right now I am just admiring the view.